APTA Private Practice is more effective with the support of members who are dedicated to advocating on behalf of the industry. You can get involved in the section's advocacy efforts by becoming a Key Contact, joining the key contact subcommittee, or by taking action online via the APTA Legislative Action Portal.

Become a Key Contact

Apply to become a APTA Private Practice Key Contact today and support our grassroots advocacy efforts. As a Key Contact: you will be trained on how to build relationships with your local representatives; you will be equipped with regular updates on bills that will affect the industry, and you will operate with constant support from APTA Private Practice lobbyists, the Board of Directors, and staff.

Apply Now!



Key Contact Responsibilities


Section Mission: The mission of the APTA Private Practice is to Champion the success of the physical therapist in business.

Program Goals: One Key Contact will serve as a primary contact to each federal legislator (Senator or Representative). Key Contacts will establish valuable relationships with their legislators to increase awareness of the key issues facing physical therapist-owned businesses and their patients.

Benefits to You:

  1. Have the opportunity to educate policymakers about problems/challenges/opportunities facing physical therapist-owned businesses and their patients.
  2. Network with colleagues, their practices, and others in the private practice arena.
  3. Use your creativity to benefit physical therapist-owned businesses.
  4. Develop relationships and contacts with congressional leaders.
  5. Enhance your ability to navigate the health care environment to support your business success.


  1. Stay abreast of PPS's position on key issues that are relevant on the district and federal level.
  2. Serve as a resource to and grow your relationship with the legislator's Washington D.C. office and local congressional office by contacting the appropriate staff at least six (6) times per year on important key legislative issues and events.
  3. Strive to meet in-person with your local congressional office and/or in Washington, D.C., at least once per year.
  4. Promptly and appropriately respond to all section grassroots network alerts.
  5. Strive to participate in one local district town hall meeting and/or attend/hold one local congressional fundraiser per year.
  6. Strive to attend APTA Private Practice advocacy events in Washington, D.C. when funded by the section.


  • Must be a member in good standing of the APTA Private Practice, or of the APTA Private Practice Administrators Council.
  • Must maintain a working e-mail address in the APTA Private Practice database.

Training and Supervision: PPS' Lobbyist, along with the APTA Private Practice Key Contact Subcommittee Chair, will provide an orientation.  Additional training vignettes are available on the APTA Private Practice website (Advocacy tab).  Select APTA Private Practice Key Contacts will be invited to Washington D.C. for in-person trainings and Hill Days.  The Executive Director will be available for operational support throughout the term and is available to answer any questions.  The Board of Directors will be kept informed of Key Contact activity through the established reporting mechanism no less than annually.

Commitment: 1-2 hours per month.

Key Contact Resources


 Tips for Advocacy Videos