To create your listing, please follow the steps outlined below.  Contact if you have questions. 

  1. Login to the website (or create an account if you are not a member).  APTA Private Practice members received a discount on the listing purchase, so be sure to use your member account, if you are a member.
  2. Use this purchase link to complete your purchase. 
  3. Go to the listing management page to create your listing. You should see an active listing waiting for you to edit it. You can return to this page at any time by going to "My Account".
  4. If you are an APTA Private Practice member, you can see your completed listing in the Directory.  

Listings remain active for one year from date of purchase.  You can return to your listing at any time to edit it.  

These listings are for consultants only and are not to be used to advertise products. Companies wishing to advertise their products can purchase a listing in the Buyer's Guide