Welcome to the 2024 Edition of the APTA Private Practice Buyer's Guide, offered in both print and interactive digital with video!
Promote your products and services 24/7/365 to physical therapists in outpatient rehab across the US. Generate new leads, and strengthen your brand recognition as you reach business owners and administrators in private practice.
To purchase a listing, follow these instructions:
  1. You must create an account or login to purchase a Buyer's Guide listing.
  2. You can purchase either
  3. An enhanced listing includes all benefits of a basic listing plus:
    • Extended ad description (up to 200 words).
    • Embedded promotional video (from either YouTube or Vimeo).
    • Downloadable product brochure.
  4. Once your listing is purchased, you can manage it by going to the "My Account" in the upper right, click on the link to manage your listing.
  5. Complete the information (note that you may return at a later point before making it live)
  6. Enable or publish your listing when you're ready.