Submitted on Fri, 07/12/2024 - 14:51

CMS published the draft physician fee schedule rule on July 10 (official Federal Register publication scheduled for July 31), setting forth proposed regulations for Medicare in 2025. It is being reviewed for its impact on APTA Private Practice members. 

Initial top lines confirm a statutorily-mandated 2.8% payment cut (which accounts for the delay in last year’s cut relief from January 1 to March 8) as well as significant changes to MIPS and its successor, the MVP program. APTA Private Practice, along with APTA, will continue to strongly advocate against any attempt to reduce payment for physical therapy services. We understand the detrimental impact these cuts have on your practices and your communities. Physical therapists in private practice provide crucial, cost-effective care that helps to build healthy communities.    

Also included are some changes that we have been advocating for with CMS for a long time.  CMS is proposing to allow general supervision of PTAs by PTs in private practice for all applicable physical therapy services. CMS is also proposing to provide an exception to the physician/NPP signature requirement for purposes of the initial certification in cases where a written order or referral from the patient’s physician/NPP is on file and the therapist has documented evidence that the treatment plan was transmitted to the physician/NPP within 30 days of the initial evaluation. 

Stay tuned for more specifics as we wade through the rule and prepare structured opportunities for APTA Private Practice members to comment to both Congress and CMS. We will need your help to advocate against cuts for PTs and to ensure that these other changes that make it easier to care for your communities are preserved in the final rule.  

Resources on the rule follow: