Submitted on Tue, 01/07/2025 - 11:33

APTA Private Practice is a trusted source of education for physical therapists in business. Over the years, our various committees and workgroups have worked diligently to provide valuable resources to our members. However, we recognized a need for a more cohesive strategy to ensure we’re meeting the needs of all members in the most impactful way possible.

To better integrate educational opportunities across the organization, the APTA Private Practice Board has established the Knowledge and Engagement Committee. This five-member committee, led by Chair Darrin Schober, PT, works closely with our other committees to evaluate content, identify gaps, and ensure that APTA Private Practice delivers timely, relevant educational resources to every member—whether you’re an experienced practice owner with one clinic or twenty, or an aspiring leader considering your next steps.

Introducing APTA Private Practice In Focus

We’re excited to announce the launch of APTA Private Practice In Focus, starting in January. This new initiative will offer you curated, monthly resources designed to strengthen your practice. Each month, you’ll have the opportunity to dive into Impact Magazine, explore on-demand content, engage with upcoming programs, and participate in live discussions on the featured topic.

We can’t wait to take this journey with you and help you continue to thrive in your practice. Stay tuned for more details, and get ready to grow with us!