Private Practice Section, APTA
Turning the page on the new year is a chance to wipe the slate clean—and to be better versions of ourselves. And when…
Private Practice Section, APTA
You know exercise is important to your health. It helps you feel better physically, gives you energy, and helps you…
Private Practice Section, APTA
Payless recently conducted a very telling social experiment. You probably heard about the shoe chain’s stunt in the…
Private Practice Section, APTA
Got back pain? You’re not alone. Eighty percent of Americans suffer from low back and neck pain at some point in their…
Private Practice Section, APTA
Today’s physical therapy was successful by all measures: Your PT spent time listening to your symptoms, collected a…
Private Practice Section, APTA
You’re sitting in your living room and glance at the clock: just five minutes until your physical therapy appointment…
Private Practice Section, APTA
Is the source of your low back pain a mystery? You’re not alone: Nine out of 10 patients don't know the primary cause…
Private Practice Section, APTA
Recently we have seen a rise of diseases in children that in the past had only been seen in adults. Things like obesity…
Private Practice Section, APTA
Some health habits are instilled in us at a young age. For as long as you can remember, for example, you made annual…
Private Practice Section, APTA
It is becoming more popular for young athletes to specialize in a single sport. The advantages seem obvious. Putting in…