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  The Graham Sessions 2021 Virtual Series  Presented by the Institute of Private Practice Physical Therapy The Graham Sessions is the premier annual opportunity for physical therapy professionals to engage in open, often spirited dialog on…
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Follow the link below for details. Read More
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Follow the link below for details. Read More
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A Quick Video from PPS President Mike Horsfield: Medicare Payment Cuts On December 21,2020, Congress passed legislation that addresses COVID relief and the 9% cut implemented by the CY 2021 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule. The provisions…
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Follow the link below for details. Read More
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PPS 2021 Conference Call for Proposals Proposal Submission Deadline: January 15, 2021 at 11:59 PM (Pacific Time) Proposal Submission notifications will be sent by March 31, 2021 Suggested Topics for PPS 2021 (opens new window) PPS Proposal…
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PPS After Hours: Pivoting Marketing During a Pandemic December 10, 2020, 8:00 PM Eastern Time  Hear ideas and strategies that have been implemented in practices across the country to address the marketing needs of practices during the…
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PPS After Hours: Preparing for the Next Wave November 19, 2020, 8:00 PM Eastern Time  Join the PPS Board of Directors to discuss how you are preparing your practice for the next few months - and beyond.   Let's discuss staffing solutions,…
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And that's a wrap! Thank you for joining us for the 2020 PPS Annual Conference & Exhibition. The conference included unique and engaging educational sessions, an inspirational keynote presentation, and amazing networking opportunities…
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The Private Practice Section would like to congratulate the newly elected candidates from the 2020 election. For the Office of President: Michael Horsfield, PT, MPT, MBA For the Office of Vice President: Amy Snyder, PT, DPT For the…