APTA Private Practice
Warm ups are always important. They gradually raise your heart rate, and get you breathing a little faster. This sends…
APTA Private Practice
Haven't thought about having an annual PT exam? We're biased, but we think you should. You see your optometrist and…
APTA Private Practice
Keeping up with physical therapy during the holidays is tough. There are so many other things to do - cooking, parties…
APTA Private Practice
Physical Therapy Is For Everyone! Physical therapists are highly trained health care professionals. They are experts in…
APTA Private Practice
Don't Keep Injury Secrets! Physical therapists are experts in dealing with injuries, but your PT can't help if they don…
APTA Private Practice
PT For Your Pelvis? Nobody is going to be surprised to hear that Physical Therapists work with muscles. But we bet a…
Private Practice Section, APTA
What Physical Therapy Can Do For Arthritis Arthritis is a chronic condition that causes inflammation of the joints. It…
Private Practice Section, APTA
As we head into the dog days of summer, the weather is heating up. For the nearly 5 million people in the United States…
Private Practice Section, APTA
If you've been to physical therapy, you likely got a home exercise program. Research says that if you do your home…
Private Practice Section, APTA
It's no secret that prices have been going up. Gas is expensive. Food is expensive. The housing market is crazy. If you…