Private Practice Section, APTA
Research has shown that positive expectations increase the chances of a good outcome. It's the old self-fulfilling…
Private Practice Section, APTA
Last month we introduced you to Long COVID and all of the challenges it brings. This month we're going to talk about…
Private Practice Section, APTA
You may have heard about people who got a COVID-19 infection and have symptoms for weeks or months after. This is now…
Private Practice Section (APTA)
When you think about a person going into intensive care, you probably picture someone who's very ill and likely…
Private Practice Section (APTA)
Starting a career in physical therapy is like climbing a tree. Everyone starts with the same trunk, but pretty quickly…
Private Practice Section (APTA)
Stories about hiring difficulties are all over the news right and physical therapy clinics haven't been left out. An…
Private Practice Section (APTA)
During the COVID-19 pandemic, activity levels dropped for a lot of people. Between stay at home orders, gym closures…
Private Practice Section (APTA)
You know that physical activity is good for you. The benefits are well researched and the list is impressive. Here's…
Private Practice Section (APTA)
COVID has certainly made the importance of health very clear and we have all seen how quickly things can change with an…
Private Practice Section (APTA)
People usually see a physical therapist for pain or loss of function. Think of the person who has back pain, the…