Private Practice Section, APTA
Because of the closures of physician's offices, stoppages of elective surgeries, and social distancing guidelines…
Private Practice Section, APTA
The COVID-19 pandemic seems to have stopped much of the world. Once busy streets and shops are empty, activities are…
Private Practice Section, APTA
How much thought have you put into the exercises you're going to use for your next workout? Did you choose them…
Private Practice Section, APTA
This time of year, many people are focused on fitness so it's worth taking a look at what fitness really means. The…
Private Practice Section, APTA
Your car needs regular maintenance, so you probably have a mechanic. Your eyes and teeth are important, so you see your…
Private Practice Section, APTA
As one year comes to a close and another begins, people begin to set goals and make resolutions. Losing weight, getting…
Private Practice Section, APTA
Medical diagnoses don't need much of an introduction. They're what you get from your doctor when you're sick. Examples…
Private Practice Section, APTA
Physical therapists are experts in the musculoskeletal system, and typically use patient history and a good physical…
Private Practice Section, APTA
When most people think of diagnostic imaging, they think of X-rays, CT scans and MRIs, but the use of musculoskeletal…
Private Practice Section, APTA
Most people think of heart rate or blood pressure when they think of vital signs. It is common to use numbers to…